IːGor - Cold Dayz E.P. (Original Bandcamp Cover)


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Request details: 

Link (Discogs.com or other)*: https://www.facebook.com/247723815260131/posts/today1800-cetcold-dayz-ep/3601741923191620/
Catalog number *:
Year *: 2020

I am looking for the original Bandcamp cover of the first release on I:Gor Records (I:Gor - Cold Dayz E.P, removed from Bandcamp), not the 1200x1200 on the website, but the large one inside the purchased release, size unknown but maybe even smaller like 960x960. It looks exactly like this: https://www.facebook.com/247723815260131/posts/today1800-cetcold-dayz-ep/3601741923191620/
Preferably in .png, but .jpg is fine too.

Covers on other websites like iTunes feature a smaller area of the dark street image. Like this: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/063/Music114/v4/85/80/bc/8580bcc1-cc0c-2f88-12f9-cc89b2f9b1e4/artwork.jpg

Do not upload the tracks! Do not upload the small area cover!


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