Submitted by Alpha Flight 1970 on
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Catalog number *: Red Fever Recordings - RED-067
Year *: 2024
#1Sativa2024-02-14 23:28
#2Borgild2024-02-15 15:40
Since it's just a compilation of previously released tracks and since whole RED label can be found around in lossless (mostly free ones from streaming services ofc), I compared the tracks vs. their versions from singles. In total 11 tracks got differences:
a) 16 bit quality (matches for compilation's and single's versions)
* "05. Reflecti - Btdt" + "06. Nightmar3 - Helltrain" (RED-005); "07. Skim - The Border Between Light And Dark" (RED-006); "13. Stolen Cult - Muthaphukin Real" (RED-011) = just few samples in the very track's end, compilation's versions got some unnatural waveform burst after track's fade out = I wouldn't keep 'em
* "70. Alex Escriva - Burning Bright" (RED-062) = looks like the compilation got a remastered (louder) version
b) 24 bit quality in compilation (while single's versions I got are 16 bit):
* "41. Mr. Madness - W.T.F" (RED-033) = some kind of unmastered version (around -6 dB more silent, and longer 4:35 vs 4:31, due to more silence in the end, than single's one) = might worth keeping as an alternative but tbh single's one looks more proper, even if it's @ 16 bit
* "12. Blackout - Infected" (RED-011); "60. Phitrax - Kaos 4 Ever" (RED-052); "61. Noxize - Bitch" (RED-053); "62. Matt Restless - Underground Relic" (RED-054); "75. Omkara Techichi - Hardcore Republic" (REDSP-01) = complete waveform and length match, my source for these cat# was, dunno maybe indeed they're avl. @ 24 bit at RED's bandcamp store. Only REDSP-01 is a 1-track release and can be fully replaced with 24 bit version tho
#3Alpha Flight 19702024-02-24 16:37
Interesting investigation. Appreciated.