Hocus Pocus - Here's Johnny


Reward for filling the request: 


Request details: 

Discogs or other URL:https://www.discogs.com/Hocus-Pocus-Heres-Johnny/release/4126488
Catalog number: 2.000.466
Year: 1993


Dupe: http://xprm.net/request/hocuspocus-heresjohnny-fv06-web-2008-maphia

If you're using the usual/default search box located above the requests' list then use just 1 word from a release name to avoid missing previous requests in search results. This search engine requires exact match --> with several words you'll need to guess the exact spelling used in previous requests --> have to run search several times and still might miss something.
Or use site's "global" search box at top right of frontpage, it's less restrictive. Also helps if the release is "hidden" within multiple-requests-in-one, label packs or just randomly named requests.

Thanks guys.

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