Dark Bayron - The Children of the Dark E.P.


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Request details: 

Discogs or other URL: https://www.discogs.com/Dark-Bayron-The-Children-Of-The-Dark-E-P/release/12339463
Catalog number: GR002
Year: 2018


Little point in reuploading 128 kbps full-length clips that are easily downloadable directly from hardtunes/any bandcamp store, imho. Tho these anons spamming with such requests never write a word no matter if the link's a preview clip, 320 kbps webrip or proper purchased tune :)

All these missing frenchcore releases will be posted on Label Collecto tomorrow :)

As long as the proper version is not available in the open wild, they have to be satisfied with what they get. (for free).

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