DOK - Clockwork Bible (ELAT001B)


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Catalog number *: ELAT001B
Year *: 2002

Ideally, it would be nice to get a digital copy of this track so that would be best but my understanding is that, except for what is included in the Elation Digital Remastered bundle, the rest was lost.
If a digital copy is indeed not available, I'm looking for a vinyl rip like the following: but at higher bitrates than the YT 128kbps. Lossless would be best obviously.
NOTE: I already have the rip that's floating around which is 192kbps rip and 7:40 in length. It's not a great rip so I'm not looking for that one. Even the rip on YT sounds better.


It feels more like some artist (*cough* cubehard *cough*) didnt want they stuff on there, than that they had lost them.

Do they get paid less for the digital bundles or something?

dont know. CubeHard had no problems releasing his other Stargazer stuff digitally. Just not these 2 :/

I doubt it was financially motivated. None of his tracks on Elation are available to be purchased anywhere anyway (not talking about 2nd hand vinyls since that obviously has no impact on the producers) so he would only be making extra money by making them available in the remastered bundle. I do wonder why...

Maybe he just didn't like the quality of the sound... there's a couple CH releases that are pretty quiet and thin sounding. Since this isn't a big label he maybe had more of a choice.

I wish artists didnt have that kind of mentality for their older stuff. Released and Ultimate High were very liked back in 2003.

Not filled, request is for ELAT002B in digital or good vinyl rip (not 15khz)

Requester didn't really state anything other than they preferred a digital copy, or a lossless vinyl rip (which automatically falls down to a mp3 rip, as this was a mp3 request, not a FLAC request).

This was actually the rip I specifically didn't want (I specified 7:40 in length), unfortunately I didn't know that it came from this scene release.

Even the rip from YT is better.

Admin, please re-open the request, if possible

Also, it absolutely doesn't have to be lossless. The problem I have with the scene rip is that it is sub-par to even an MP3 128kbps file in terms of specs, it was played a little bit too fast (correct length is roughly 7:55 like the rip on YT), and it is normalised too quietly for my taste.

Tbeer, please read requests fully before filling! You also flippantly filled my other request for Saviour by Adem without reading properly

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