Submitted by Jon Doe on
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Submitted by Jon Doe on
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Catalog number *: n/a
Year *: n/a
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#1Iancbailey2024-06-10 01:50
good luck lol 1 person as this and he won't even trade it either it's rare as rocking horse sh#t
#2Jon Doe2024-06-11 07:05
Who's the one guy?
#3Iancbailey2024-06-11 12:32
Bollymix from france use to trade with him ages ago but he sent me nothing but a load of shite for stuff i sent him
#4Jon Doe2024-06-12 11:29
Do you think he would he take a payment for this release?
#5Iancbailey2024-06-12 11:32
ask him but defo know he won't trade
#6Jon Doe2024-06-12 11:33
Is he on here? Where would I find him?
#7Iancbailey2024-06-12 11:41
on discogs thats where i traded with him