Hellraiser vs. Megarave MRV093


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men i cant find it in 320 kbps someone can help me


Did you check if this release even exists/available for purchase as WEB in some online shop?
Because I checked several major ones (hardtunes seems to have the most of, yet mostly only recent this label's releases) and didn't find it.

yeah man i think is this: http://********/files/346634078/MRV_093_-_VA_-_Hellraiser_vs_Megarave-_MRV093_-Vinyl-2006-SQ.rar
but it was deleted

It's a vinyl rip and prolly it's the only version that is available for this release, yet you asked for 320 kbps and scene vinyl rips never come with such max bitrate (it makes little sense with vinyl as a source anyways).

This SQ's one has VBR -V2 bitrate, you ok with/need it?

if there isnt a 320 kbps version, i thank you if u give me this VBR ;)

thanks bro

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